
to see around

the next corner

which doesn’t exist.

Bringing me back to my

Circular logic

To see the same thing in a

Different way.



Loussac Library building

Anchorage, Alaska


linking to One Shot Poetry

Published in: on October 13, 2010 at 7:23 pm  Comments (24)  
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24 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I like circular buildings, easier on the eyes somehow – and on roads curves are so much easier to navigate than corners. Nice poem for One Shot.

  2. Great concept. Your words and image complement each other. Very well done. Nice One Shot!

  3. I like it! Our museum (NV Museum of Art) while not exactly a circle, has the same curves. It’s based on a geological structure in Black Rock Desert. I will view it in a different way now.

  4. Sometimes a second look can be a first sighting.

    Interesting One Shot!

  5. and sometimes seeing a diffrent way makes all the difference in the world…and is hard for many to do…nice one shot!

    • definitely hard for me. I’m a very concrete thinker.

  6. If you look at everything as always beginning, then everything becomes so many things. Very nice piece!

  7. simple words, powerful job.

    Thanks for sharing…

  8. Your poem reminds me of a scene from Dead Poets Society (and a concept I far too often do not practice myself, being a stubborn ass at times)

    [Keating stands on his desk]
    John Keating: Why do I stand up here? Anybody?
    Dalton: To feel taller!
    John Keating: No!
    [Dings a bell with his foot]
    John Keating: Thank you for playing Mr. Dalton. I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.

  9. Very neat and clever, I do like short poems where every word counts. Great image too!

  10. My Sister Lives Too Far Away

    here is one of my entries,
    thank you for your support on week 9 potluck fun.

  11. Very complementary piece, one with the other… I love the endless feel of circular structures.

  12. short. sweet. seductive!

  13. I love how the photo perfectly illustrates your words. Life is about circles, isn’t it? Neat poem!

  14. Circular Logic… great image of the mind. Seeing things in a different perspective.

  15. good one. 🙂
    we all try doing it atleast once.

  16. Perfect… I liked the metaphor that you focussed in this verse… Thanks

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  17. One of the most beautiful poems.. short and huge.. sent my mind in to circles..

    • thanks, seems like my mind goes in circles a great deal these days.

  18. Enjoyed the cyclical perspective!

  19. Clever. I’m impressed. And I like the way you – in effect – wrapped the poem around the building. Well done. Nice One Shot and nice Poetry Potluck.

    • thanks, it was just a shot I took while standing there one day.

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