Will it go round in circles?

curving along those special lines.

We go round and round.

First the


Just a partial curve,

Practicing for the next installment.

Moving on to


Sensuous curves of completion.

Complementing the


But unfulfilled without



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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. hmm…I have to read it twice to understand though I love your different approach to tickle my mind.. Bottom- Shape- Bubbles- Soap ! hurray, solved at last …..

    • Actually, I was thinking along the lines of Bull Sh*t!

  2. Very clever. A fine contribution to Potluck. Where did you get the abolutely perfect photographs for this. Like much.

    • Our children’s science museum has the large bubble rings, etc. and my kids were just playing around with them one day. We happened to have our camera.

  3. lovely demonstration of your message..

    read the comment above,
    brilliant work.


  4. Yeah, I got the Bull one too.

  5. In my early twenties we had bubble guns we made that resembled potato bazooka’s that made great bubbles. We filled the tubes with this magic smoke and everyone chased them around the yard with straws trying to get the smoke. It was a great party game… I think… smiles..

  6. CLEVER!
    Here’s mine, not at all so:

  7. Lies and deception = BS! I like it!

    Here’s mine

  8. Whoa, creativity! I was thrown for a loop when I saw the second “B”, then saw the second “S” and all was right again.

  9. made me scratch my head and then smile. Great fun! thanks, pat

  10. keep it up.

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